
Advocate's Professional Identity with Email Address

Advocate's Professional Identity with Email Address

As the saying goes, "Dress and Address Makes the Difference" advocate always have a professional address that provides an identity. Most of the noble professions like Doctors, Advocates, etc  always have an identity either by their dress code or associated with their name. As on date email is one the most important mode of communication. Having a professional email creates a professional identify. This is one reason, why the staff of various corporate houses uses an email address on domain for corporate identity. Even the staff of free email services provider companies--hotmail, yahoo, gmail use email address of the company for all official email correspondence, just for corporate identity. is an email service exclusive for licensed advocates. The domain name is self explanatory email that exemplifies the profession advocate. No other email service like gmail, yahoo, rediff, hotmail, etc can ever provide such professional identity to an licensed advocate.

The professional identity of advocates is displayed as following

Name : The Initials starts with Adv.

Dress : The dress code exclusive worn by a licensed advocate

Tie : Lawyers Band

Address : The address of the bar chamber

Qualitficatin : The Law graduation and Post graduation.

Email : ( No Professional Identity associated with email address of the domain name)

Email : ( the domain name endorses the professional identity )

The only service in the world that provides professional identity to an advocate associated with email address.

